Hyajah's Questions/Answered #4 Stage3

 The shooting schedule of my film is going to go smoothly throughout all the days we film because everything will be organized, and everyone will know their jobs and scenes. For example, the scripts will be made for the actors to memorize and read off a simple breakdown of scenes talent, time, cast, company moves, and day breaks like a normal casting scene you see in movies. I would love to film in the middle of Feb because it gives my actors time to go over their lines in memorize them so when it gets to filming the process will go smoothly, and the film wouldn’t take long to make.  

I’ve done some research and my main priorities are 

  • Filming Locations.  

  • Organize by Shooting Day 

  • Do the Schedules with My Actos Align 

  • Flexible Shooting Schedule 

I’ve done research on multiple sources and they’ve stated you need basic equipment nothing to tremendous or expensive. Throughout my process I will be filming with a High Tech device which is my phone IPHONE 11, the reason why I choice my phone Is because it's just like a fancy camera sources state the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro can shoot 4K video at 24, 30 or 60fps. Most movies are filmed at 24fps, giving them that cinematic flicker. The other technologies I may need is a microphone because, of the sound my phone can't capture and the last thing I WILL need is a computer which I can do my editing on, for example without an advanced computer my film is going to be dull with no effects or background noises. For example, imagine other films without editing they wouldn’t grab people attention that much because its dull and nothing to laugh at. No special effects or audio doesn’t make that film a movie just imagine Film without mise-en-scene. 


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