Hyajah's Questions/Answered #3 Stage2
Do you plan to produce with a large studio or a smaller, independent production company? Why?
A: I plan to produce with an independent production company, because large and small studios is not going to feed my needs and what I'm trying to create. Independent production company will come with more benefits for example giving producers the freedom to make their own creative and financial choices outside the purview of a major studio. And I also know I will receive some kind recognition and sources also state that independent film companies have in common is their ability to distribute their movie and Independent movie companies, therefore, tend to work more on the funding, budget, and distribution of the movie. I’ll love an independent company because I love free will and being able to do what I feel like would grab my audience's attention and being able to switch up stereotypes.
How will your choice of production company affect the way audiences engage with your film?
A: My choice of production will affect my audience engage because of how much my production company promotes and how much were really focused on grabbing the audience's attention. And there's audiences that pay attention to the production company and if they hold up a good reputation there not going to let me put out any foolishness. The production film will contribute a lot to the viewing of my audience and it's my job to keep the audience for example I'm supposed to emotionally structure the audience into the story by creating characters and situations that generate sympathy, jeopardy, and relatability. Audiences are drawn to characters who are "attractive" characters that are funny, powerful, skilled, beautiful, charming, and hospitable. And if my company gives me the budget of getting everything promoting my movie in theaters.
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