Hyajah's Blog Questions/Answered #1 Stage2

 What does the script look like for your film? You should have at least a basic summary of the film in order to pitch it. 

A: The script for my film looks outrageous and hilarious and its promising to grab people attention because of how different it Is for example the stereotypes you don’t see in normal films usually the jocks and pretty females with rich parents are the cool ones around school and the smart kids are considered nerds. But in the film script I've created nerds are cool and jocks and pretty females with rich parents are considered lame. The summary Ive pitched is that high school girl seniors are hoping to please themselves before they enter college Chelsey and Megan are trying to get alcohol to enter a high school party the nerds are having. 

What is your "brand" or "mission statement" for your film? What are you striving towards? What are you trying to achieve with your story? Your brand will be important for choosing a production company and pitching your film. 

A: The brand is HCM and what I am striving towards is something that is different like no other film because their all the same, I want something that is going to grab people's attention and for them to label it as their favorite movie and something they could tell their friends to watch. The thing I am trying to achieve the most is obviously the best film ever created, something that is going to make me a fortune also. For example, the reason “Superbad “is my favorite movie is because its comedy and its different they go about the movie differently which makes me even more interested. And during created this film I would like to have fun and also receive a good grade. 


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